Taj Mahal Hotel

Mumbai, India

Taj Mahal Hotel Façade Project

Taj Mahal Hotel

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Taj Mahal Hotel Façade Restoration


This South Mumbai landmark was completed in 1903 and remains today the preeminent hotel in all India as well as the corporate icon for Taj Hotels Worldwide. The structure is exposed to dramatic climate changes and has weathered well considering the dynamics of annual monsoons, the settling of earth, and the poor maintenance regimen over the past 100 years. The client endeavors to return the building to its original design, which requires the removal of added elements and restoration of all facade components. Extensive survey work and testing were required to ensure that remediation of the facade was in concert with the restoration of the supporting structure and operating systems within the building. Ultimately, the facade will be returned to its original glory as envisioned by the design architect in the late 1800’s.

Repair + ModernizeEnclosures & StructuresHistoricHospitality

At a Glance


Taj Hotels


Historic, Hospitality