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Aurora, CO
The new Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center in Aurora, CO consists of 12 buildings across a sprawling 31-acre healthcare campus. The 1.2 million square feet Eastern Colorado Health Care System Medical Center houses inpatient/outpatient medical and dental services, mental healthcare, surgical units, women’s health clinic and numerous other medical services. As a 3rd-party quality assurance testing agency, Lerch Bates teamed with Douglass Colony Group on this massive federal project to test approximately 415,000 square feet of waterproofing membrane. Testing along with ASTM D7877: Standard Guide for Electronic Methods for Locating Leaks in Waterproof Membranes, Lerch Bates was able to assist in the mitigating risks associated with water penetration at critical structure points such as roofs, plaza areas, and parking structures above occupied spaces.
VA Medical Center
415,000 SF