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这 纽约建筑师帆船赛挑战赛 (NYARC) 不仅仅是一场帆船比赛;它还是社区、友谊以及建筑与海洋文化独特交汇的庆典。该活动每年在曼哈顿周围风景如画的水道举行,将建筑师、设计师和帆船爱好者聚集在一起,进行为期一天的友好竞赛和交流。Lerch Bates 今年再次加入其中,加大对活动的支持,派出首支 Lerch Bates 帆船队,由 埃里克·瓦尔特,高级市场拓展顾问。
Founded in the early 1990s, the regatta was born from a simple idea: to foster community among architects in a fun and engaging way, and raise funds for important nonprofits from all over 纽约. This year, the event raised more than $150,000 for local 慈善事业 致力于解决各种需要的领域,从水清洁到儿童识字。点击下方了解有关这些重要慈善机构的更多信息:
今年的比赛因风力较小而受阻,但各队还是扬帆起航。J-24 和 J-80 两个级别的帆船参加了一系列比赛,力争夺得令人垂涎的帆船赛冠军头衔。Lerch Bates 在 J-24 级别比赛中获得第 6 名,这是其作为 Team LB 参赛第一年取得的优异成绩。
祝贺 Fish & Ships 卫冕 2023 年 J-24 级帆船赛冠军!
J-24 级
J-80 级
“The New York Architects’ Regatta is a vibrant blend of architecture and sailing that encapsulates the spirit of creativity and collaboration in the design community,” said 埃里克·鲁普, CEO of Lerch Bates at the award ceremony. “Congrats to all the participants and THANK YOU to all the philanthropies involved for carrying out your impactful work – that’s the real reason we’re all here today, committed to the success of the NY Architects’ Regatta.”