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Acceso a la fachada
Lerch Bates’s in-house expertise provides value throughout the lifecycle of any building from new design to modernization. Ensure your enclosure is designed with longevity and safety in mind with Lerch Bates’s construction administration services, where we preserve the vision of the architect or design team while ensuring the developer, owner, and operator benefit from a safe, compliant, efficient, and cost-effective access solution for facade cleaning, maintenance and fall protection. Lerch Bates testing, inspection, and third-party maintenance management services improve reliability and longevity of the equipment and ensure compliance with all federal, state and local regulations as well as leading industry standards.
From davit systems, powered platforms, building maintenance units, fall protection systems and monorails to tieback anchors, portable sockets and much more – Lerch Bates provides safety at heights.
“The design team appreciates our commitment to working with the building geometry to develop an access and fall protection solution that preserves their vision. And, our locations throughout the country allow us to be the industry’s most responsive service partner.”