
Lerch Bates Office Hosts Students for Career Day

Lerch Bates Office Hosts Career Day 2024
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Lerch Bates Office Hosts Career Day 2024

Lerch Bates Career Day 2024


Last week, 30 students from five high schools in the Lewisville ISD spent half of a day in the LB Dallas office to learn firsthand what it means to be a building technical expert and LB employee-owner.


Their job shadowing began with a presentation from the Vertical Transportation team, and then the students broke into small groups to learn about Repair & Modernisation, Enclosure Design & Consulting, and Forensics in greater depth. The day concluded with an opportunity to network and speak one on one with the employee-owners in the office about their specific roles and background in the industry. This was not only a meaningful experience for the students as they plan for their future and set goals for their careers, but a great opportunity for LB to connect with future generations and share our story.


To learn more about our company or inquire about hosting a similar event, contact us here.

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